Amando Risueño
Amando Risueño is passionate about traditional music of his country. Tangos, milongas, estilos, zambas, chacareras, vidalas,... compose his repertoire. He performs them in an authentic, sober, essential way, revealing the deep respect he shows to the composers and authors whose works he transmits. He discreetly peppers this rich repertoire with classical pieces and his own compositions with the soft sonorities of the Río de la Plata.
Born in 1969 in Buenos Aires, Amando begins playing guitar at the age of ten. He studies classical guitar at the Carlos Buchardo National Conservatory of Music. Meanwhile, he experiments with electric guitar and explores other more popular and contemporary aesthetics such as jazz, blues, rock and pop.
Around the age of thirty, he questions his relationship with the music of his country. To answer, he launches into the repertoire of his native city, the tango. Then, he gives concerts with different musical formations.
Since his arrival in France in 2011, he continues to enrich his repertoire, including the landscapes of folkloric argentinian music. At this point, he begins to perform as a soloist.His first album «Tangos de mi Flor» (2013) is entirely dedicated to the tango canción. He then records «Campo abierto» (2018) in which combine the repertoire of Buenos Aires (tango, waltz) and that of the hinterland (milonga, zamba, vidala). His third album «El canto del viento» (2020) is dedicated to the work of great Argentine musician and poet Atahualpa Yupanqui.
Amando gives concerts in France and abroad.
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© Amando Risueño 2021 / All rights reserved : www.amandorisueno.com